What is Master in Master Out in Darts

Master In, Master Out in darts refers to a game format where players must hit a double to begin scoring points. It requires precision and skill.

Darts enthusiasts often choose this format to test their accuracy and strategy. Master In, Master Out adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game, making it a popular choice among competitive players. By focusing on hitting the crucial double to start scoring, players must exhibit fine-tuned control and aim.

This format not only sharpens their skills but also creates a thrilling and engaging playing experience. Whether you are a casual player looking to improve your accuracy or a seasoned pro seeking a new challenge, Master In, Master Out is a dynamic format that can enhance your darts-playing skills.

Master in Master Out

The Basics Of Master In, Master Out (mimo) In Darts

Master in, Master Out (MIMO) is a popular scoring format in the game of darts. It is often used in competitive tournaments and leagues, adding an extra level of skill and strategy to the game. Here, we will explore the basics of MIMO in darts, including its definition and history.

Definition Of Mimo

MIMO stands for Master in, Master Out, which refers to the scoring format in a game of darts where players must both start and finish on a double segment of the dartboard. In MIMO, players need to hit a double segment to begin scoring, and their final dart must also land on a double to win the game.

This format challenges players to demonstrate accuracy and proficiency with their darts, especially when it comes to hitting doubles under pressure.

History Of Mimo In Darts

MIMO has its origins in the traditional game of darts, which evolved from a pastime played in pubs to a popular sport with organized tournaments. The use of the MIMO scoring format adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game, as it requires players to hit a double segment to get started and a double to finish.

The exact origins of MIMO are unclear, but it has become a staple in competitive darts, providing players with a unique and strategic way to compete.

Rules And Gameplay Of Mimo

Master In Master Out (MIMO) is a popular darts game that requires precision, strategy, and a steady hand. It’s crucial to understand the rules and gameplay of MIMO to play successfully.

Scoring In Mimo

Scoring in MIMO follows the standard darts scoring system. Players aim to hit specific numbers on the dartboard to accumulate points. Bullseye is worth 50 points, the outer bullseye is worth 25 points, and other areas on the board have varying point values.

Finishing A Game In Mimo

To win a game of MIMO, players must reach exactly zero points by hitting a double segment. If a player exceeds zero points, their score resets to what it was at the start of their turn. The first player to achieve exactly zero points wins the game.

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D4 Target

Variations of MIMO Darts

Double-in, double-out (DIDO)

In this variation of MIMO darts, players need to hit a double to start scoring, and they must also hit a double to finish the game. For example, a player needs to hit a double 20 to start scoring, and then they must hit a double 20 to win the game.

This variation adds an extra layer of challenge to MIMO darts and requires players to have good accuracy and strategy.

Double-start, double-finish (DSDO)

DSDO is a variation of MIMO darts where players need to hit a double to start the game and also to finish it. For example, a player needs to hit a double 1 to start the game, and then they must hit a double 20 to win the game.

This variation can be more challenging than DIDO as players need to hit a specific double at the start of the game.

Round the Clock (RTC)

RTC is a variation of MIMO darts where players need to hit each number on the dartboard in sequence, starting from 1 and ending with 20. Once a player has hit each number, they must finish by hitting the bullseye.

This variation is an excellent way for players to practice accuracy and precision, as they need to hit each number in a specific sequence.

Strategy And Techniques In Mimo

Strategy and Techniques in Master in Master Out (MIMO) involve a strategic approach to scoring early and utilizing different finishing strategies efficiently.

Importance Of Scoring Early

  • Scoring early in MIMO is vital to putting pressure on your opponent.
  • Early scores create opportunities for larger checkouts later in the game.

Advantages Of Different Finishing Strategies

  1. Different finishing strategies can help in maximizing your scoring potential.
  2. Choosing the right strategy based on your strengths can give you an edge.

Equipment And Setup For Mimo

If you’re looking to improve your dart-playing skills, Master in Master Out (MIMO) is a popular game format that can provide an exciting challenge. In MIMO, players must start and end their game by hitting a specific number on the dart board. This format requires precision and strategy, making it a great way to improve your aim and consistency.

To get started with MIMO, you’ll need the right equipment and setup. Here, we’ll guide you through the essential components of a MIMO game, including dart board setup and recommended darts.

Dart Board Setup

Setting up your dart board correctly is crucial for a fair and accurate game of MIMO. Here are the key steps to follow:

  1. Hang your dart board securely on a wall, making sure it is level and at the regulation height of 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 meters) from the floor to the center of the bullseye.
  2. Position a throw line, also known as the oche, exactly 7 feet 9.25 inches (2.37 meters) from the face of the dart board. This ensures a consistent throwing distance for all players.
  3. Mark the desired MIMO number on the board. This number will be the starting and ending point for each player. Choose a number that offers a fair challenge while still being achievable.

Recommended Darts For Mimo

Having the right darts can greatly impact your performance in MIMO. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting darts for this game:

  • Weight: Choose darts that feel comfortable and balanced in your hand. Opt for a weight that suits your throwing style and preferences.
  • Grip: Look for darts with a grip that provides control and stability. Different players have different preferences, so try out various grip styles to find what works best for you.
  • Material: Darts are typically made from brass, nickel-silver, or tungsten. Tungsten darts are considered the best for their durability and precision, making them a popular choice among professional players.
  • Flight Shape: The shape of the flight, or the feather-like fins at the back of the dart, can affect its trajectory. Experiment with different flight shapes to find one that suits your throwing technique.
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D19 Target

Mimo Vs. Other Dart Formats

In the world of darts, the Master In Master Out (MIMO) format has gained popularity among players for its unique gameplay and thrilling strategies. However, it’s essential to understand how MIMO differs from other dart formats like the 501 and Cricket, to fully appreciate its distinctive approach and appeal to players.

Comparison With 501 Format

MIMO sets itself apart from the traditional 501 format by emphasizing accuracy and consistency. Unlike the 501 format, where players need to reach exactly zero with a double score, MIMO requires players to aim for a double to start and finish each game. This places a greater emphasis on finishing precision and strategic planning, adding an extra layer of excitement and challenge to the game.

Contrast With Cricket Format

When comparing MIMO with the Cricket format, the main difference lies in the scoring mechanism. In Cricket, players aim to “close” specific numbers on the dartboard, while in MIMO, the focus is on hitting doubles to start and finish the game.

This distinction creates a fundamentally different dynamic in gameplay, as MIMO places greater importance on individual shot accuracy and strategic decision-making.

How to improve your Master Out in Darts?

Mastering the art of MIMO in Darts can be a real game-changer in the world of darts. If you’re looking to improve your skills and achieve a high level of accuracy, then you’ll need to focus on a few key areas.


Firstly, practice is key. The more you play and practice, the more familiar you’ll become with the board and the various techniques involved in achieving a successful Master Out. One effective practice technique is to start with a larger target area and gradually work your way towards the smaller sections of the board.

Mental Focus

In addition to practice, mental focus is also important. Darts is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. So, it’s essential to maintain a clear and focused mindset while playing. Techniques like visualization and deep breathing can help you stay calm and focused, even under pressure.


Lastly, consistency is crucial. Focus on developing a consistent throwing style and aim for the same spot on the board each time. This will help you build muscle memory and improve your accuracy over time.

Improving your MIMO in darts takes time and effort, but by following these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals. Remember, practice, focus, and consistency are key to success in this challenging yet rewarding sport.

Common Mistakes to Sidestep

Master in Master Out (MIMO) darts can be a challenging and complex format, and there are several common mistakes that players may make. 

  1. One common mistake is not focusing enough on hitting doubles, which is the key to scoring in MIMO. Players may become too focused on hitting high scores, such as 180s, and forget the importance of hitting doubles.
  2. Another mistake is becoming too aggressive with shots and taking risks that can lead to busts or wasted points. Players may also struggle with managing their remaining points effectively, leading to difficulty in setting up preferred doubles for the final shot. 
  3. Finally, players may become too nervous or anxious under pressure, which can lead to missed shots and lost games.

Tips to Avoid Common Errors

To avoid these common mistakes in MIMO darts, there are several strategies that players can employ.

  1. First and foremost, it’s important to focus on hitting doubles consistently, rather than becoming too focused on high scores or risky shots. This can be achieved through regular practice and training, which can help players develop their accuracy and consistency on the board. 
  2. Additionally, players should aim for consistent scoring rather than taking unnecessary risks, as this can lead to busts and lost points. Effective management of remaining points is also crucial, and players should focus on setting up preferred doubles for the final shot whenever possible. 
  3. Finally, it’s important to remain calm and focused under pressure, which can be achieved through techniques such as deep breathing and positive self-talk. By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing effective strategies, players can increase their chances of success in MIMO darts.

Famous Mimo Players And Moments

Master in, Master Out (MIMO) is a popular darts game format that challenges players to finish a game by landing on a double or a bullseye. Many legendary darts players have achieved greatness through MIMO, creating memorable moments that have become the stuff of legend.

Let’s take a look at some of the famous MIMO players and the iconic moments that have defined this thrilling darts format.

Notable Players In Mimo

Phil Taylor

Known as “The Power,” Taylor dominated the darts world with his exceptional MIMO skills, winning numerous titles and setting records that may never be surpassed.

Michael van Gerwen

Michael van Gerwen

This Dutch sensation has shown remarkable consistency in MIMO games, making him one of the most feared and respected players in the darts community.

Raymond van Barneveld

With his iconic throwing style and precision on the doubles, Van Barneveld has left an indelible mark on the world of darts, particularly in MIMO contests.

Memorable Mimo Matches

Taylor vs. Barney at the 2007 PDC World Championship

This epic showdown saw both players at the peak of their powers, delivering a breathtaking display of MIMO prowess that left fans in awe.

Van Gerwen’s Spectacular Winning Finish

In a crucial MIMO match, van Gerwen executed a jaw-dropping winning finish, solidifying his reputation as a master of MIMO precision.

Taylor’s Unforgettable Title-Clinching Shot

During a championship-deciding match, Taylor delivered a flawless MIMO performance, securing the title with a shot that will forever be etched in darts history.

Mimo Tournaments And Events

Darts, one of the most thrilling and widely loved pub games, has evolved over the years into a competitive sport. One exciting aspect of this sport is the Master in Master Out (MIMO) tournaments.

These events bring together skilled players from around the world, showcasing their talent and battling it out for glory. Here, we will explore the major MIMO tournaments and the highly anticipated Global MIMO Championships.

Major Mimo Tournaments

Master in Master Out tournaments, also known as MIMO tournaments, are held in various countries, attracting players of all levels. These tournaments involve each player starting on an agreed-upon number and attempting to reach zero by hitting the exact required double to finish a leg. The format of MIMO tournaments can vary, but they often consist of a series of knockout rounds leading up to the finals.

World Darts Championship

One prominent MIMO tournament is the World Darts Championship organized by the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC). This prestigious event features top-ranking players who showcase their skills on the big stage.

The World Darts Championship is known for its intense atmosphere and incredible displays of precision and accuracy. It draws a massive global audience, captivating darts enthusiasts and casual viewers alike.

Other Championship

Aside from the World Darts Championship, there are several other noteworthy MIMO tournaments that attract both amateurs and professionals.

These include the PDC Premier League, the World Matchplay, and the Grand Slam of Darts. Each of these tournaments has its own unique characteristics, creating an exciting and competitive environment for players and spectators alike.

Global Mimo Championships

When it comes to the pinnacle of MIMO tournaments, the Global MIMO Championships take center stage. This highly anticipated event brings together the best darts players from around the world to compete for the prestigious title. The Global MIMO Championships feature thrilling matches, intense rivalries, and unforgettable moments that showcase the pinnacle of dart-playing excellence.

The Global MIMO Championships offer a platform for players to test their skills against the crème de la crème of the darts world. The tournament utilizes a sophisticated ranking system that ensures only the most accomplished players earn their spot in the competition.

As a result, the Global MIMO Championships showcase the sport’s most exceptional talents and create an unparalleled atmosphere of excitement and drama.

Whether you are an avid darts fan or new to the world of MIMO tournaments, attending or following these events is an experience like no other. With their electrifying atmosphere and top-class talent, MIMO tournaments are a must-watch for any sports enthusiast.

So grab a seat, sit back, and get ready to witness the thrill and brilliance of Master in Master Out darts!

Wrapping Up

To sum up, the Master in Master Out (MIMO) rule in darts adds an exciting twist to the game. By requiring players to finish on a double or the bullseye, it enhances skill and strategy. Mastering the MIMO rule takes time and practice, but it is well worth the effort.

So, if you are looking to elevate your darts game, give MIMO a try and watch as your precision and consistency take flight.


What does “Master In Master Out” mean in darts?

“Master In Master Out” (MIMO) is a darts variation where you must both begin and end a leg with a scoring shot that lands on either a double or a triple ring. The bullseye counts as both a double and a triple for this variation.

How does MIMO differ from regular darts?

Standard darts games often use a “Double Out” format, meaning only a double can finish the leg. MIMO is more flexible, allowing for strategic choices between doubles and triples to start and close the leg.

Is Master In Master Out a good practice game?

Absolutely! MIMO helps develop accuracy on both the start and finish of a leg. It encourages strategic thinking about setting up an advantageous finishing position.

Are there other similar dart variations?

Yes, here are a few:

  • Double In Double Out (DIDO): You must start and finish the leg with a double.
  • Single Out: You can finish a leg on any scoring segment (single, double, or triple).

Where can I play Master In Master Out?

Many electronic dartboards have MIMO as a game option. Some online darts platforms also offer this variation. Additionally, you can easily adapt standard darts rules to incorporate the MIMO principle.

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