What is a Triple 20 in Darts

A Triple 20 in darts is when a player hits the 20-point segment of the dartboard three times in a single turn. This scores 60 points and is considered a highly coveted achievement in the game of darts.

Darts, a popular pub game, involves throwing small missiles at a circular target board. The board is divided into 20 segments, each with a different point value. The Triple 20, located at the top of the board, is one of the highest-scoring segments.

Successfully hitting it three times in a row not only demonstrates precision and skill, but also racks up an impressive 60 points. This feat is not only rewarding in terms of points but also adds flair and excitement to the game, making it a sought-after goal for players of all skill levels.

Definition Of Triple 20

When it comes to the game of darts, the Triple 20 is an essential element that every player strives to hit. It refers to that magical spot on the dartboard which is represented by the number 20 and is divided into three equal sections. Here, we will explore what exactly a Triple 20 is and why it is considered a high-scoring target.

What Is A Triple 20?

A Triple 20 is essentially the innermost part of the 20 segment on the dartboard, measuring just a few millimeters in diameter. It is marked by three lines that divide the 20 segment into three equal parts. Landing a dart in this area awards the player with 60 points, making it one of the most valuable targets on the board.

The Triple 20 is considered the “holy grail” of darts as it requires precision, accuracy, and consistent practice to hit it consistently. Professionals and experienced players often aim for the Triple 20 as it not only boosts their score but also sets them up for better finishes and checkouts.

Why It’s A High-scoring Target

Targeting the Triple 20 is highly coveted in the game of darts due to its scoring potential. Here’s why:

  1. Maximum Score Potential: Landing three darts in the Triple 20 segment awards a player with the maximum possible score in a single round, which is 180 points. This remarkable achievement is known as a “Ton 80” and is celebrated by players and spectators alike.
  2. Consistent Scoring: Hitting the Triple 20 consistently allows players to accumulate points rapidly and steadily. Its central position on the dartboard makes it an optimal target, enabling players to strategize their throws and focus on building a substantial score.
  3. Strategic Advantage: Aiming for the Triple 20 not only increases the overall score but also provides players with an advantageous position to finish the game. By hitting the Triple 20 consistently, players can efficiently work their way down from higher numbers to reach the desired finish.
  4. Mental Advantage: Successfully hitting the Triple 20 frequently instills confidence in players, boosting their morale and psychological game. It can intimidate opponents, create momentum, and increase the chances of winning.

The Importance Of The Triple 20

The Triple 20, located at the top of the 20 segment on the dartboard, is the most valuable area to hit. Achieving a Triple 20 results in scoring 60 points with a single dart, making it a crucial target for players aiming to increase their score rapidly.

Players often aim for the Triple 20 to gain a significant advantage over their opponents and secure a strong position in the game.

How Points Are Scored In Darts

Points are scored in darts by aiming for specific areas on the dartboard. The score earned depends on the zone hit by the dart. Here’s a breakdown:

Scoring ZonePoints
Triple 2060
Inner Bullseye50
Outer Bullseye25
Triple 1957
Triple 1854
Triple 1751
Triple 1648
Triple 1545
Single 2020

Points can also be scored by hitting single and double zones, which have lower point values. The objective is to strategically score points while aiming for a good finishing shot, such as hitting a double or a bullseye to win the game.

Understanding darts scoring is essential for players to strategize their throws and aim for the highest possible scores. By consistently hitting the triple 20, players can accumulate points quickly and efficiently on their path to victory.

Mastering The Triple 20

Mastering the Triple 20 in darts is a crucial skill for any player aiming to elevate their game. The Triple 20, also known as the treble 20, is the highest-scoring segment on a standard dartboard. Hitting this target consistently can significantly improve a player’s overall score and performance.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, honing your technique and accuracy for the Triple 20 can make a substantial difference in your darts game.

Techniques For Hitting The Triple 20

When aiming for the Triple 20, precision and consistency are key. Proper stance, grip, and follow-through are essential for achieving accurate throws. Here are some effective techniques to help you hit the Triple 20:

  • Position your dominant foot forward and your body at a slight angle towards the dartboard to gain stability.
  • Hold the dart with a firm yet relaxed grip, ensuring your throwing hand is aligned with your dominant eye for improved accuracy.
  • Focus on a smooth and controlled release, and maintain a consistent follow-through to enhance your throwing motion.

Tips To Improve Triple 20 Accuracy

Achieving Triple 20 requires practice, focus, and a solid understanding of dartboard mechanics. Here are some Tips that can help you improve your chances of hitting this elusive target:

  1. Consistent Grip: Develop a grip that provides stability and control to your throws. Experiment with various grips to find one that feels natural and allows for consistent hand placement.
  2. Proper Stance: Maintain a balanced and stable stance, with your dominant foot slightly forward. This will help you establish a consistent throwing position and improve your accuracy.
  3. Target Visualisation: Before each throw, visualize the Triple 20 section on the dartboard. This mental image will help you align your aim and increase your chances of hitting the target.
  4. Focus on Technique: Pay attention to your throwing technique, ensuring a smooth and fluid motion. Avoid unnecessary movements or jerks that can impact the trajectory of the dart.
  5. Practice Routines: Incorporate dedicated practice routines that focus specifically on hitting the Triple 20. Set goals and gradually increase the number of successful throws to challenge yourself and improve your accuracy.

Remember, achieving Triple 20 proficiency takes time and dedication. Regular practice, coupled with a positive mindset, will help you develop the skills needed to consistently hit this prized target.

Famous Moments Involving The Triple 20

Darts, a game of precision and skill, has had its fair share of famous moments involving the triple 20. This iconic target area on the dartboard holds a special place in the history of darts, with numerous legendary records and unforgettable finishes associated with it.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these remarkable highlights that have made the triple 20 a pivotal element in the world of darts.

Notable Records Set Through The Triple 20

In the realm of darts, the triple 20 has been a stage for some remarkable records. Notably, the achievement of the highest possible score in a single turn, known as a perfect 180, is exclusively connected to the triple 20.

Players strive for this outstanding feat, aiming to hit the treble section of the 20 segment three times in succession, earning the revered score of 180. This record-setting accomplishment is a testament to the incredible precision and control required in the sport of darts.

Unforgettable Finishes On The Triple 20

When it comes to unforgettable finishes, the triple 20 has been the key to numerous dramatic and thrilling moments in dart history. One such moment is the legendary nine-dart finish, where a player achieves a perfect leg by hitting the triple 20 segment with all nine darts in one turn, achieving the highest possible score of 501.

This rare and awe-inspiring display of skill and composure has been witnessed only by a select few in the world of professional darts, making it a truly unforgettable feat associated with the triple 20.

Alternative Strategies In Darts

While the Triple 20 is undoubtedly the most sought-after target in darts, there are alternative strategies that players can explore to maximize their scoring potential. By diversifying their approach, darts players can keep their opponents on their toes and increase their chances of hitting high scores. Here, we will delve into some other high-scoring targets and discuss when it’s best to aim for the Triple 20.

Exploring Other High-scoring Targets

While the Triple 20 brings the highest rewards, there are other spots on the dartboard that can also yield impressive scores. Let’s take a closer look at some alternative high-scoring targets:

  1. The Triple 19: Located just below the Triple 20, hitting the Triple 19 can be a viable strategy when you already have two darts in that range. It allows you to keep building on your score without needing to switch targets.
  2. The Bullseye: Situated in the center of the dartboard, the Bullseye offers a substantial score and can be a great option when you’re struggling to find your rhythm with other targets.
  3. The Triple 18: Positioned next to the Triple 20, the Triple 18 is an alternative high-scoring target that can help you maintain consistent scoring even if the Triple 20 proves elusive.

When To Aim For The Triple 20

While exploring other high-scoring targets is important, there are specific situations when aiming for the Triple 20 should take priority:

  • When you’re confident in your ability to hit the target consistently, aiming for the Triple 20 can give you a significant advantage over your opponent.
  • When you’re in a position to finish the game and require a specific score, hitting the Triple 20 can help you swiftly reach the desired total.
  • When you need to apply pressure on your opponent, consistently hitting the Triple 20 can create a psychological advantage and force them to step up their game.

By strategically choosing when to aim for the Triple 20 and exploring alternative high-scoring targets, darts players can enhance their performance and increase their chances of success. Remember, practice and experimentation are key to finding the strategy that works best for you!

Notable Players And Records

The Triple 20 is a crucial target in the game of darts, and it has seen some impressive players and records over the years. From legendary players who have consistently hit the Triple 20 to the highest scores achieved and memorable matches, let’s take a closer look at the notable players and records associated with this remarkable darting feat.

Famous Players Known For Triple 20

  1. Phil Taylor: Phil Taylor, also known as “The Power,” is widely considered one of the greatest darts players of all time. His exceptional accuracy on the Triple 20 has earned him countless titles and accolades throughout his career.
  2. Raymond van Barneveld: Raymond van Barneveld, a five-time World Champion, is another player renowned for his excellence in hitting the Triple 20. His ability to find this target consistently has mesmerized fans and opponents alike.
  3. Michael van Gerwen: Michael van Gerwen, also known as “Mighty Mike,” is known for his incredible speed and precision on the dartboard. His proficiency on the Triple 20 has made him a force to be reckoned with in the darts world.

Highest Score Achieved With Triple 20

The highest possible score achievable using the Triple 20 is 180. This remarkable feat requires a player to hit the Triple 20 three times in a single turn. Achieving a 180 score not only showcases incredible accuracy but also reflects the player’s skill in consistently hitting this crucial target.

Notable Matches With Triple 20

Many memorable matches in the world of darts have been defined by exceptional performances on the Triple 20. One such match was the final of the 2013 PDC World Championship between Phil Taylor and Michael van Gerwen.

In this intense contest, both players displayed remarkable consistency on the Triple 20, leading to a thrilling and closely-fought battle.

Another memorable match featuring incredible Triple 20 skills was the 2016 Premier League Darts final between Michael van Gerwen and Phil Taylor. The remarkable accuracy displayed by both players on the Triple 20 kept the crowd on the edge of their seats throughout the match.

Famous PlayersHighest Score AchievedNotable Matches
Phil Taylor1802013 PDC World Championship Final
Raymond van Barneveld180
Michael van Gerwen1802016 Premier League Darts Final

Wrapping Up

To summarize, a Triple 20 in darts is not just an achievement, but a testament to skill and precision. Hitting this elusive target requires focus, accuracy, and a deep understanding of the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, aiming for the Triple 20 can be both challenging and rewarding.

So, keep practicing, master your technique, and aim high to achieve that perfect Triple 20!


What is a triple 20 in darts?

A triple 20 is when a player lands a dart within the narrow, inner red and green sliver of the 20 section on the dartboard. It’s the highest single-dart score possible in a traditional darts game.

How many points does a triple 20 score?

A triple 20 earns a player 60 points.

Why is the triple 20 important in darts?

The triple 20 is highly sought after because:

  • High Score: It maximises points in a single throw.
  • Strategic value: Hitting consistent triple 20s brings down your overall score quickly in games like 501, making it easier to finish.

Is it difficult to hit a triple 20?

Yes, the triple 20 is one of the most challenging shots in darts. It requires precision, hand-eye coordination, and consistent practice due to the small target area.

Are there any slang terms for a triple 20?

Yes, some players might call a triple 20 a “bed and breakfast” or a “hat trick”.

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