The Ultimate Guide to Playing Around-the-Clock Darts

Are you looking for a fun and exciting game to play with your friends or family? Around-the-clock darts are the perfect option! In this article, we’ll show you how to play this popular dart game and share tips and tricks to improve your skills.

The game requires hitting each number on the dartboard in numerical order, starting from 1 to 20. The first player to hit all numbers and the bullseye wins.

With our rules, strategies, and techniques, you can become an around-the-clock darts pro. We’ve also enlisted the expertise of professional darts player, Phil Taylor, to give you some insider tips on perfecting your technique. So grab your darts and let’s get throwing!

How to Play Around-the-Clock Darts

This exciting game is played with a dartboard and requires accuracy and precision to hit the numbers in order from 1 to 20.
In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to help you learn the basics of around-the-clock darts, including what you need to play, how to set up the dartboard, the rules of the game, and scoring.

What you need to play

To play around-the-clock darts, you will need a dartboard, a set of darts, and a scoreboard to keep track of the score. The dartboard is typically made of sisal fiber and has a diameter of 18 inches. The set of darts usually includes three darts, and you can purchase them in various weights and styles. The scoreboard can be a piece of paper, a chalkboard, or an electronic device.

How to set up the dartboard

To set up the dartboard, you should first find a suitable location that is safe and free of obstacles. The standard height for the bullseye of the dartboard is 5 feet 8 inches from the ground.

Use a measuring tape to mark the exact location of the bullseye on the wall. Then, attach the dartboard to the wall using a bracket and make sure it is level. Finally, mark the throwing line on the floor, which is 7 feet 9 1/4 inches from the face of the dartboard.

The rules of the game

The objective of around-the-clock darts is to hit the numbers on the dartboard in order from 1 to 20 and then hit the bullseye. The game can be played with any number of players, and each player takes turns throwing three darts at the board. The first player to hit all the numbers and the bullseye wins. If a player misses a number three times in a row, they are eliminated from the game.

Scoring in around-the-clock darts:

In around-the-clock darts, the scoring system is simple. Each number on the board is worth its face value, with the exception of the bullseye, which is worth 25 points for the outer ring and 50 points for the inner bullseye. When a player hits a number, they move on to the next number on the board. The first player to hit all the numbers and the bullseye wins.

Variations of Around-the-Clock Darts

While the standard version of around-the-clock darts is a popular game, there are also many variations that can add excitement and challenge to the gameplay. In this section, let’s explore some of the different variations of the game, as well as how to adapt the game for different skill levels and add fun twists to spice up the game.

Different variations of the game

One popular variation of around-the-clock darts is “Round the World,” which involves hitting the numbers in order from 1 to 20 and then back to 1 again, but players must hit the doubles before moving on to the next number.

Another variation is “Doubles Around the Clock,” where players must hit the doubles of each number in order. “Round the Clock and Bullseye” is a variation that includes hitting all the numbers in order, and then hitting the bullseye three times in a row to win.

How to adapt the game for different skill levels

To make around-the-clock darts more accessible to beginners or players with less experience, you can adjust the rules or scoring system. For example, you could allow players to hit the numbers in any order or reduce the number of rounds required to win the game. On the other hand, to make the game more challenging for experienced players, you could require hitting triples or adding a time limit to each turn.

Fun twists to spice up the game

To add excitement and variety to around-the-clock darts, you can incorporate fun twists and challenges. For example, you could play “Mystery Round,” where one round is randomly chosen to be worth double points. 

Another idea is to add “Wild Cards,” where a designated number can be used as a substitute for any number not yet hit in order. You could also play “Survivor,” where the player with the lowest score after each round is eliminated until only one player remains. These fun twists can keep the game fresh and engaging for players of all skill levels.

Advanced Techniques for Around-the-Clock Darts

Let’s explore some advanced techniques for around-the-clock darts. These tips and strategies can help players improve their accuracy and consistency, as well as enhance their overall gameplay experience.

Different variations of the game

While there are many variations of around-the-clock darts, some advanced players may prefer to play the standard version of the game. This can help them focus on their technique and improve their ability to hit the numbers in order.

However, for those looking for a challenge, playing variations such as “Doubles Around the Clock” or “Round the World” can provide additional opportunities to hone their skills.

How to adapt the game for different skill levels

Advanced players may prefer to play with more challenging rules or scoring systems, such as requiring hitting triples or increasing the number of rounds required to win. Additionally, playing with a time limit can help players learn to make quick and accurate shots. For less experienced players, simplifying the rules or allowing them to hit the numbers in any order can help them build confidence and improve their skills over time.

Fun twists to spice up the game

While advanced players may focus on improving their technique and skill, incorporating fun twists and challenges can keep the game interesting and engaging. For example, playing “Cricket” or “Killer” alongside around-the-clock darts can provide a change of pace and add an additional layer of strategy.

Another fun twist is to play with “Mystery Rounds” or “Wild Cards,” which can make gameplay more unpredictable and exciting. These types of challenges can help advanced players stay motivated and continue to improve their gameplay abilities.

Etiquette and Sportsmanship

Etiquette and sportsmanship are essential elements of any sport or game, including around-the-clock darts. In this section, we will discuss the proper conduct during a game, the rules and regulations of around-the-clock darts, handling disputes and conflicts, and tips for gracious winning and losing.

Proper conduct during a game

It is important to be respectful and courteous towards your opponents during a game of around-the-clock darts. This includes refraining from distracting or interrupting your opponents while they are taking their shots, and avoiding any unsportsmanlike behavior, such as taunting or trash-talking. Additionally, players should adhere to any rules or regulations established for the game.

Rules and regulations of around-the-clock dart

Each game of around-the-clock darts should have a set of rules and regulations established before play begins. These rules may include the scoring system, the number of rounds required to win, and any variations or twists to the game. It is important for all players to understand and follow these rules to ensure fair and enjoyable gameplay.

Handling disputes and conflict

Disputes or conflicts may arise during a game of around-the-clock darts. It is important to handle these situations calmly and respectfully and to follow any established protocols for addressing disputes. If a disagreement cannot be resolved, it may be necessary to consult a neutral third party, such as a referee or tournament official, to make a final ruling.

Tips for gracious winning and losing

Finally, it is important to be gracious in both winning and losing. Congratulate your opponents on their successes, and be gracious in defeat by acknowledging their skill and performance. Remember, the goal of around-the-clock darts is to have fun and enjoy the game, and being a gracious winner or loser can contribute to a positive playing experience for all involved.

Strategy for Around-the-Clock Darts

While around-the-clock darts may seem like a simple game, there are some strategies that can give players an edge over their opponents. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Focus on hitting the low numbers first. Since these are the easiest to hit, you can quickly gain a lead over your opponent.
  • Aim for the triple sections whenever possible. This will earn you more points per dart and help you catch up if you’re behind.
  • Don’t get discouraged if you miss a number. Just keep aiming for it in your next turn and you’ll eventually hit it.
  • Pay attention to your opponent’s progress. If they’re ahead of you, focus on catching up. If you’re ahead, try to maintain your lead by hitting the higher numbers quickly.
  • Practice consistently to improve your accuracy and control over the darts.

By implementing these strategies, players can improve their chances of winning at around-the-clock darts.


What kind of dartboard do I need to play around-the-clock darts?

 You can use any standard dartboard to play around-the-clock darts. The board should have numbers 1 to 20 and a bullseye.

What are the basic rules of around-the-clock darts?

The goal of around-the-clock darts is to hit each number on the board, in order, starting with 1 and ending with 20. Players take turns throwing three darts per turn and must hit the current number before moving on to the next.

How is scoring done in around-the-clock darts?

Each number hit scores the value of the number hit. Hitting the outer ring of the bullseye scores 25 points while hitting the inner bullseye scores 50 points.

What happens if a player misses the current number they’re aiming for?

If a player misses the current number they’re aiming for, they do not score any points for that turn and must try again on their next turn.

How do you determine the winner in around-the-clock darts?

The winner of around-the-clock darts is the first player to hit all 20 numbers in order, ending with the bullseye.


Playing around-the-clock darts is a great way to spend time with friends or family while improving your skills. By mastering the basics of the game, you can easily adapt it to different skill levels and even add some fun twists.

Whether you’re looking to improve your accuracy, develop new strategies, or simply have a good time, around-the-clock darts is a game that everyone can enjoy. So grab your darts, set up the board, and get ready to have some fun!

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