Is Darts a Sport

Is darts a sport? It’s a question that’s been debated for years. While some argue that darts is simply a game, others defend its status as a legitimate sport. So, which is it? The answer is yes, darts are indeed a sport. While it may not involve the physical prowess of other sports, it requires precision, concentration, and strategy. 

Darts tournaments attract thousands of fans worldwide, with huge cash prizes and professional players who have dedicated their lives to perfecting their craft. Eric Bristow, a five-time world darts champion, once said, “The difference between a game and a sport is that a sport has tournaments.” 

So, whether you see darts as a game or a sport, one thing is clear – it has earned its place in the world of competitive activities. Do you agree that darts are a sport? Let us know in the comments below!

Defining a Sport: Key Factors

The physical demands of an activity are an important factor in determining whether or not it qualifies as a sport. In the case of darts, players require a combination of hand-eye coordination, balance, and stamina to succeed. Maintaining a steady stance and a specific body position is essential when throwing the dart, which demands core strength and stability.

 Additionally, players must exhibit excellent hand-eye coordination to aim and throw the dart with precision and accuracy. However, physical demands alone are not enough to classify an activity as a sport. Other factors like competition structure, rules and regulations, and mental demands must also be considered.

Citing Studies or Research:

Research suggests that darts are a physically demanding activity. One study found that playing darts increases heart rate and blood pressure, as well as lactate levels in the blood, indicating a high level of physical exertion. This study highlights the significant physical stress experienced by darts players during the game, supporting the argument that darts are a physically demanding activity. 

However, more research is needed to fully evaluate the physical demands of the game and how it compares to other sports. It’s essential to consider all factors when defining a sport, including physical, mental, and competitive demands. Ultimately, these factors will determine whether or not darts qualify as a sport.

Darts as a Physical Activity

Darts is a game that demands a significant amount of physical skill and coordination. Players must exhibit excellent hand-eye coordination, balance, and stamina to succeed in the game. Hand-eye coordination is crucial, as players must aim and throw the dart with precision and accuracy. 

Maintaining a steady stance and holding their body in a specific position is also essential when throwing the dart, which demands core strength and stability. Additionally, players must have a good balance to maintain their stance and remain focused throughout the game.


Several studies suggest that darts are a physically demanding activity. A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that playing darts can result in increased heart rate, blood pressure, and lactate levels in the blood, which indicates a high level of physical exertion. These findings suggest that darts players experience a significant amount of physical stress during the game, further supporting the argument that darts are a physically demanding activity.

Overall, darts demand a significant amount of physical skill and coordination from players. The game requires excellent hand-eye coordination, balance, and stamina, and studies support the argument that it is a physically demanding activity. While other factors must also be considered when defining a sport, the physical demands of darts cannot be ignored.

The Competitive Aspect of Darts

The Competitive Nature of Darts

Darts is a highly competitive game that meets the criteria for a sport. The game requires players to compete against each other, with a clear set of rules and regulations to govern the game. The competitive nature of darts is one of the key reasons why it is considered a sport, as players must compete against each other in a structured environment.

Levels of Darts Competition

There are various levels of competition in darts, ranging from local pub leagues to professional tournaments. At the grassroots level, players can join local leagues and compete against other players in their community. These leagues often have a social aspect, with players enjoying a drink and a chat after the game. At the next level, players can compete in regional or national tournaments, with the chance to win prize money and trophies.

Professional darts tournaments attract players from around the world, with large cash prizes and global recognition on the line. The Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) organizes the most prestigious tournaments, including the World Darts Championship and the Premier League. These tournaments attract thousands of fans and are broadcast live on television, further highlighting the competitive nature of darts.

Arguments against darts being a sport

Despite their widespread popularity, darts have faced criticism regarding their status as a sport. Some argue that it lacks the physical exertion required of a sport and that it is often played in a casual setting, such as a pub. However, these arguments do not hold up to scrutiny. While darts may not require the same level of physical exertion as a contact sport like football, it still demands a high level of hand-eye coordination, balance, and stamina. 

In fact, research has shown that professional darts players have heart rates that are comparable to those of elite athletes during competition. As for the argument that darts are often played in a casual setting, this does not negate the fact that it is also played competitively at various levels, from local pub leagues to international tournaments. Ultimately, the physical and mental demands of the game, coupled with its competitive nature and organized structure, make a strong case for darts being considered a sport.


What makes darts a sport?

Darts require physical skills such as hand-eye coordination, balance, and stamina, as well as mental skills such as focus, strategy, and precision.

Are darts physically demanding enough to be considered a sport?

Yes, studies have shown that darts can be physically demanding, requiring players to maintain a stable posture, use fine motor skills, and exert muscular force when throwing the darts.

Are darts only played in a casual setting?

No, darts can be played in a variety of settings, from local pub leagues to professional tournaments with high stakes.

Is there a professional league for darts?

Yes, the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) is a major professional league that organizes high-level tournaments and events for darts players around the world.

Can anyone play darts?

Yes, darts are a game that can be played by people of all ages and skill levels, making it an accessible and enjoyable activity for many.

Final Thought 

While some argue that it lacks the physical exertion required of traditional sports, others point to its competitive nature and the skills necessary to excel in the game. By examining the criteria used to define a sport and the physical demands of playing darts, it becomes clear that darts do meet the criteria of a sport. It requires hand-eye coordination, balance, and stamina, and is played at various levels of competition, from local pub leagues to professional tournaments. 

Ultimately, whether one considers darts a sport or not may come down to personal opinion, but it is clear that it deserves recognition as a legitimate competitive activity. So, what do you think? Is darts a sport or not? We encourage you to share your thoughts and join the ongoing debate.

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