How to Soften an Old Dartboard

To soften an old dartboard, gently dampen it with a wet cloth and press down on the surface to release any built-up tension. As you do this, rotate the board to ensure all areas are treated evenly.

Increasing the humidity in the room can also help to soften the board and extend its lifespan. Additionally, regularly moisturizing the board with a specialized dartboard conditioner can prevent it from becoming hard and dry over time. By following these simple steps, you can maintain the quality and playability of your old dartboard for longer enjoyment.

How to Soften an Old Dartboard


Why Soften An Old Dartboard

As dart enthusiasts, maintaining the quality and condition of our dartboards is crucial for an enjoyable and accurate gameplay experience. Over time, dartboards can become hard and dense due to repeated use, causing darts to bounce off the board instead of sticking to their intended target. In order to restore the original resilience and increase the lifespan of the board, softening an old dartboard is essential.

Lengthens Dartboard Lifespan

By softening an old dartboard, you significantly increase its lifespan. As the board ages, the sisal fibers that make up the dartboard begin to harden and compact, leading to increased wear and tear. As a result, the board becomes less effective in absorbing the impact of the steel-tip darts, leading to decreased durability. However, by softening the board, you rejuvenate the sisal fibers and slow down the process of deterioration, ensuring your dartboard can withstand countless games for years to come.

Improves Dart Performance

A softened dartboard not only benefits the longevity of the board itself but also enhances the overall dart performance. The compacted surface of an old dartboard can cause darts to bounce off the board, leading to frustrating and inconsistent throws. Softening the board restores the natural resilience of the sisal fibers, allowing the darts to penetrate properly and reducing the possibility of deflections. This, in turn, enhances your accuracy and precision, resulting in a more satisfying and competitive gaming experience.

How to Soften an Old Dartboard


Methods To Soften An Old Dartboard

If you have an old dartboard that has become hardened with use, don’t worry! There are several effective methods to soften it up and bring it back to life. In this article, we will discuss four methods that you can try to soften your old dartboard and make it feel like new again.

Rotating Dartboard

One simple method to soften an old dartboard is by rotating it regularly. By turning the dartboard in different directions, you can distribute the wear evenly across the board. This prevents any particular area from becoming too hardened and reduces the chance of bounce-outs during play. To do this, simply remove the dartboard from the wall and rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise.

Brushing With A Soft Bristle Brush

Another effective method to soften an old dartboard is by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Gently brushing the surface of the dartboard helps to loosen up the fibers and break up any hardened areas. Start by removing any debris or dust from the dartboard with a dry cloth, then use a soft bristle brush to brush the surface in circular motions. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this can damage the board.

Using A Patina Solution

If your old dartboard has become exceptionally hard, you can try using a patina solution to soften it. A patina solution is specifically designed to restore the softness and flexibility of old dartboard fibers. To use this method, apply a small amount of the solution to a clean cloth and rub it gently onto the surface of the board. Allow the solution to penetrate the fibers for a few minutes, then wipe off any excess. This should help to soften the dartboard and restore its playability.

Steam Treatment

One more method to soften an old dartboard is by using steam. This method involves exposing the dartboard to steam, which helps to relax the fibers and make them more pliable. You can achieve this by using a handheld steamer or by holding the dartboard over a pot of boiling water (be careful not to let it get wet). Gently steam the surface of the dartboard for a few minutes, ensuring that the steam penetrates the fibers. Afterward, use a soft cloth to wipe away any moisture. This treatment should help to soften the dartboard and improve its performance.

By using one or a combination of these methods, you can effectively soften your old dartboard and bring it back to life. Remember to be gentle in your approach and avoid excessive pressure or moisture. Softening your dartboard will not only improve your playing experience but also extend the lifespan of your board. So, don’t hesitate to give it a try!

Maintenance Tips For A Softened Dartboard

Proper maintenance is key to softening and extending the lifespan of your old dartboard. By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your dartboard remains in top condition, providing you with hours of enjoyable gameplay.

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining a soft and supple dartboard. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on the board’s surface, affecting its performance and durability. Here are some simple steps to clean your old dartboard:

  1. First, remove the darts from the board and set them aside.
  2. Using a soft-bristle brush, gently sweep the surface of the dartboard to remove any loose dust or dirt.
  3. If there are stains or marks on the board, dampen a cloth with water and mild soap. Gently wipe the affected areas, being careful not to saturate the board with water.
  4. Allow the board to dry completely before reattaching the darts and resuming play.

By regularly cleaning your dartboard, you can prevent the build-up of dirt and maintain its softness and durability.

Storing Properly

Proper storage is crucial for keeping your dartboard in good condition. Here are some tips for storing your old dartboard:

  • When not in use, keep your dartboard in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Excessive heat or cold can cause the board to warp or crack.
  • Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the dartboard, as this can deform the surface and affect its performance.
  • If possible, store your dartboard in a protective case or cover to shield it from dust and debris.

By storing your dartboard properly, you can prevent damage and maintain its softness for a long time.

Avoiding Excessive Moisture

Moisture can have a detrimental effect on an old dartboard, causing it to harden and deteriorate. Here are some measures to avoid excessive moisture:

  1. Avoid playing darts in humid environments or places prone to moisture, such as basements or bathrooms.
  2. If your dartboard gets wet, immediately wipe off any moisture with a dry cloth. Allow the board to air dry completely before using it again.
  3. Consider using a dehumidifier in the room where your dartboard is located to reduce the overall humidity.

By taking precautionary measures to avoid excessive moisture, you can maintain the softness and longevity of your old dartboard.

How to Soften an Old Dartboard


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Soften An Old Dartboard

How Can I Soften An Old Dartboard?

To soften an old dartboard, you can lightly spray it with water and let it dry. Another option is to use a cloth soaked in warm water to gently wipe the surface. Avoid using any harsh cleaners or chemicals that can damage the board.


To soften an old dartboard, follow these simple steps. First, gently use a brush to remove dust and dirt. Then, apply a thin layer of water to hydrate the board. Next, leave it to dry slowly in a cool, dry place.

Finally, repeat this process regularly to maintain the softness and prolong the life of your dartboard. With these tips, you’ll be enjoying smooth and accurate throws in no time!

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