How To Play 501 Darts

Looking for a new game to play with friends? Look no further than 501 darts! This popular game is easy to learn but difficult to master. 

Each player starts with 501 points and takes turns throwing three darts at a board marked with numbered sections. The goal is to reduce your score to zero by hitting numbered sections that subtract from your total and ending with a double or the bullseye. 

In this article, we’ll teach you the rules and strategies for playing 501 darts, with expert tips from renowned dart player and coach, John Smith. But more than just technique, playing 501 darts is about having fun with friends and enjoying the thrill of competition. So, grab your darts and get ready to learn how to play this exciting game!

Setting up the game

Before you can start playing 501 darts, you’ll need to make sure you have all the necessary equipment and set up the playing environment properly. This will ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience while playing. Let’s go over the basic equipment you’ll need and the steps you’ll need to follow to set up your dartboard and throw line.

The equipment needed to play 501 darts

To play 501 darts, you’ll need a few key pieces of equipment. The most important piece is, of course, the dartboard itself. A standard dartboard is 18 inches in diameter and divided into 20 numbered sections, each worth a different amount of points. 

You’ll also need a set of darts, which typically consist of three darts with steel tips and plastic flights. Other useful equipment includes a dartboard surround to protect your walls and floors from stray darts, a throw line marker to indicate the proper throwing distance, and a scoreboard to keep track of your points.

How to set up the dartboard and mark the throw line?

Setting up the dartboard correctly is crucial to the game of 501 darts. First, you’ll need to find a suitable location to hang your dartboard. Make sure the wall is flat and free of obstructions, and that there is ample room for players to stand and throw. 

The height of the dartboard should be 5 feet 8 inches from the ground to the center of the bullseye. Once you’ve hung your dartboard, use a tape measure to mark the throw line, which is 7 feet 9 1/4 inches from the face of the dartboard. You can use masking tape or a throw line marker to make the line visible.

Tips for creating a safe and comfortable playing environment

Creating a safe and comfortable playing environment is key to enjoying a game of 501 darts. To minimize the risk of injury, make sure your playing area is well-lit and free of clutter. If possible, install a dartboard surround or protective backing to prevent damage to your walls and floors. It’s also a good idea to wear closed-toe shoes while playing, in case a dart bounces off the board. 

Finally, make sure you have ample space around the dartboard for players to stand and throw without bumping into each other or other objects. By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable game of 501 darts.

Basic rules of play

Before you can start playing 501 darts, it’s important to understand the basic rules of the game. In this section, Let’s go over the objective of the game, how to score points, the throwing order, and the penalties for violating the rules.

The objective of the game and how to score points?

The objective of 501 darts is to be the first player to reach exactly zero points. To score points, players take turns throwing three darts each. The total score for each turn is calculated by adding up the points from the three darts. 

The outer ring of the dartboard, known as the double ring, counts as double the value of the section it’s in, while the inner ring, or triple ring, counts as triple the value. 

The bullseye is worth 50 points, while the outer bullseye, or “single bull,” is worth 25 points. To win the game, players must reach exactly zero points by landing on a double, which means the last dart thrown must hit a double section on the board.

Throwing order and determining who goes first

In 501 darts, the throwing order is determined by a coin toss or some other method of chance. The winner of the toss goes first, and players then take turns throwing three darts each. The player with the highest score on their turn goes first on the next turn.

If two players score the same number of points, the player who went first on the previous turn goes first again. This continues until one player reaches exactly zero points.

Rule Violations & Penalties

There are several rules in 501 darts that, if violated, can result in penalties or a forfeit of the game. Hitting the wrong target, such as throwing a dart outside of the designated throwing area or hitting the wrong section of the board, results in a “bust.” This means that the player’s score for that turn is reduced to zero, and they must try again on their next turn.

Going over the maximum score of 501, known as “going bust,” also results in a score of zero for that turn. If a player hits the winning double but has a score higher than zero, they must continue playing until they reach exactly zero points.

Finally, players must always retrieve their darts from the board and wait until the other player has finished their turn before removing their darts from the board. Violating any of these rules can result in penalties, such as forfeiting the game or losing a turn.

Strategies and techniques

When it comes to playing darts, having the right strategies and techniques can make all the difference in improving your game. By honing your accuracy, consistency, and knowledge of different throwing styles, you can increase your chances of scoring high and reducing errors.

Let’s explore some tips and tricks for improving your dart-throwing skills, including different types of grips and stances, as well as common strategies for maximizing point scores and minimizing errors.

Improving Dart Throwing Accuracy

One of the key factors in improving your dart-throwing skills is increasing your accuracy and consistency. To do this, try focusing on your grip, stance, and release technique. Make sure your grip is comfortable and consistent, with your fingers forming a stable base for the dart.

Your stance should be balanced and stable, with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed. And when you release the dart, try to maintain a smooth and controlled motion, aiming for a consistent follow-through.

Dart Grips and Stances

There are a variety of different grips and stances used in dart throwing, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

The most common types of grips include the pencil grip, where the dart is held between the thumb and first two fingers; the claw grip, where the dart is held between the thumb and fingers in a claw-like grip; and the fingertip grip, where the dart is held between the tips of the fingers.

As for stances, some players prefer a more upright stance, while others prefer a more forward-leaning position. Experimenting with different grips and stances can help you find the best fit for your throwing style.

Scoring Strategies for 501 Darts

When it comes to playing darts, there are a few key strategies you can use to improve your score and reduce errors.

One of the most important is to focus on hitting high-scoring areas of the board, such as the triple 20 or triple 19 sections.

Another is to aim for consistent groupings of darts, rather than scattering them around the board.

You can also try to use your opponent’s score to your advantage, by aiming to leave them with difficult or unlikely finishes.

With practice and experimentation, you can find the strategies and techniques that work best for your game.

Advanced topics

Once you’ve mastered the basic rules of 501 darts, there are a variety of more complex scoring systems and game variations to explore. In this section, we’ll touch on some of these advanced topics, as well as discuss strategies for competitive play and offer resources for further learning and practice.

Advanced Scoring Systems

While the standard game of 501 is the most popular and widely played version of darts, many variations and scoring systems use the 501 format as a base.

For example, some games use “doubles in” and “doubles out” rules, where players must hit a double to begin scoring and must end the game by hitting a double. Other variations include “round the clock” and “killer darts.”

Each variation presents unique challenges and strategies for players to explore.

Strategies against skilled opponents

Competitive darts play requires a combination of skill, strategy, and mental toughness. When playing against skilled opponents, it’s important to maintain focus, stay calm under pressure, and adjust your strategy as necessary. This may involve studying your opponent’s playing style, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and adapting your playing style accordingly.

Additionally, maintaining good sportsmanship and a positive attitude can go a long way in building strong relationships with fellow players and improving your performance.

Resources for Learning and Practice

For those looking to improve their skills or get involved in the competitive darts community, there are a variety of resources available. Online tutorials and videos can provide valuable tips and guidance for players of all skill levels. Joining a local dart league or club is a great way to meet fellow players and participate in organized competitions. Attending live events and tournaments can also provide opportunities for learning and networking.

With dedication and practice, players can continue to improve their skills and enjoy the many benefits of playing darts.


How many players are required to play 501 darts?

At least two players are required to play 501 darts.

How do I score points in 501 darts?

Points are scored by hitting specific areas of the dartboard, with higher scores awarded for hitting smaller areas.

What happens if I hit a double or triple area on the dartboard?

If you hit a double or triple area, the score for that area is doubled or tripled, respectively.

What happens if I go over the maximum score of 501?

If you go over the maximum score of 501, your score for that turn is reduced to your previous score.

How do I determine who goes first in 501 darts?

Players can flip a coin, throw for bullseye, or use any other mutually agreed-upon method to determine who goes first.

Final Words

501 darts is an exciting and challenging game that can be enjoyed by players of all skill levels. Through this article, we’ve covered everything you need to know to get started playing 501 darts, from the equipment needed to the rules of play and advanced strategies.

We’ve also provided tips for improving your accuracy and consistency in dart throwing. It’s now up to you to put these tips into practice and see how much you can improve your game.

So why not invite some friends over and set up a game of 501 darts today? Remember to have fun, stay safe, and always aim for the bullseye!

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