Darts Triple 20 Vs Bullseye

Are you a darts enthusiast wondering which target is better: the triple 20 or the bullseye? Look no further! The triple 20 is the most coveted target in darts, worth 60 points, while the bullseye can give you either 50 or 25 points. 

In this article, we’ll explore the differences between these two targets, their pros and cons, and how they can affect your game. We’ll also provide tips and tricks from expert players and coaches to help you improve your skills. So, get ready to take your darts game to the next level and discover the world of darts triple 20 vs bullseye!

The Triple 20


The triple 20 is one of the most important areas to hit in darts. It is located in the center of the dartboard and is worth 60 points, which is the highest score that can be achieved with a single dart. 

The triple 20 is also significant because it allows players to quickly reduce their score from 501 to 41, as three darts in the triple 20 will score 180, leaving only 41 points remaining to win the game. In addition, hitting the triple 20 consistently can help players gain confidence and put pressure on their opponents.

Aiming for Triple 20: Pros & Cons

Aiming for the triple 20 can be advantageous because it is the highest-scoring area on the board, and hitting it consistently can result in a high score and put pressure on the opponent. However, it can also be disadvantageous because it is a small target and requires a high level of accuracy. 

If a player consistently misses the triple 20, they may end up with a low score or miss their intended target entirely, allowing their opponent to gain an advantage. In addition, focusing solely on the triple 20 can lead to neglecting other important areas of the board, such as the bullseye or other high-scoring areas.

Top Players Mastering Triple 20

Many famous darts players are known for their ability to consistently hit the triple 20. One such player is Phil Taylor, who is widely considered to be one of the greatest darts players of all time. Taylor has won numerous world championships and is known for his precision and accuracy when aiming for the triple 20. 

Another player who excels at hitting the triple-20 is Michael van Gerwen, who is currently one of the top-ranked players in the world. Van Gerwen is known for his speed and accuracy and is able to hit the triple 20 consistently, even under pressure. These players demonstrate the importance of mastering the triple 20 in order to become a successful darts players.

The Bullseye


The Bullseye is the small circular area at the center of the dartboard and is worth 50 points. It is also known as the “double bull” because hitting the outer ring of the Bullseye, known as the “single bull”, is worth 25 points. 

The Bullseye is significant in the game of darts because it is a high-scoring area that can quickly reduce a player’s score. It is also important in certain game modes, such as “301” or “501”, where players must hit the Bullseye to “double out” and win the game.

Aiming for Bullseye: Pros & Cons

Aiming for The Bullseye can be advantageous because it is a high-scoring area that can quickly reduce a player’s score. It is also important in certain game modes, such as “301” or “501”, where players must hit the Bullseye to “double out” and win the game. 

However, it can also be disadvantageous because it is a small target and requires a high level of accuracy. Hitting the Bullseye consistently can be challenging, especially under pressure. In addition, focusing solely on the Bullseye can lead to neglecting other important areas of the board, such as the triple 20 or other high-scoring areas.

Top Players Mastering The Bullseye:

Many famous darts players are known for their ability to hit The Bullseye consistently. One such player is Raymond van Barneveld, who is known for his accuracy and precision when aiming for the Bullseye. Van Barneveld has won multiple world championships and is widely considered to be one of the best darts players of all time. 

Another player who excels at hitting The Bullseye is Peter Wright, who is known for his unique and colorful hairstyles as well as his impressive darts skills. Wright is able to hit the Bullseye consistently and is known for his strategic use of the Bullseye to win games. These players demonstrate the importance of mastering The Bullseye in order to become successful darts players.

Triple 20 vs Bullseye: Analysis

Relative Importance

The triple 20 and the Bullseye are both important areas of the dartboard, but their relative importance varies depending on the game being played and the strategy of the player. The triple 20 is worth 60 points, which is more than the 50 points for the Bullseye, and hitting it consistently can quickly reduce a player’s score. 

However, the Bullseye is a smaller target, and hitting it can give a player an advantage in certain game modes where they must “double out”. In addition, the Bullseye can also be a useful target for players who are struggling with their accuracy on the triple 20. Overall, the relative importance of the triple 20 and the Bullseye depends on the game being played and the player’s individual strategy.

Aiming Strategies

When to aim for the triple 20 versus when to aim for the Bullseye depends on several factors, such as the game being played, the player’s skill level, and their individual strategy. In general, aiming for the triple 20 is appropriate when a player wants to quickly reduce their score or needs a high-scoring area to catch up to their opponent. 

However, if a player is close to winning and needs to “double out”, aiming for the Bullseye may be more appropriate. Additionally, if a player is struggling with their accuracy on the triple 20, aiming for the Bullseye can be a useful alternative.

Game Variations: Impact on Scoring Zones

The importance of the triple 20 and the Bullseye varies depending on the game being played. In games such as “Cricket”, where the objective is to hit certain numbers and close them out before the opponent, the triple 20 is crucial for quickly closing out numbers and scoring points. In games such as “501” or “301”, where players must reach zero points, the triple 20 is important for quickly reducing a player’s score. 

On the other hand, in games such as “Around the Clock” or “Killer”, where the objective is to hit specific targets in a specific order, the Bullseye can be a crucial target for quickly advancing through the game.

Additionally, in-game modes where players must “double out”, such as “501”, hitting the Bullseye can be crucial for winning the game. Overall, the importance of the triple 20 and the Bullseye varies depending on the game being played and the player’s individual strategy.


Which is more important: the triple 20 or the Bullseye?

The relative importance of the triple 20 and the Bullseye depends on the game being played and the player’s individual strategy. The triple 20 is worth more points and is important for quickly reducing a player’s score, while the Bullseye can be crucial for winning games that require players to “double out”.

Is it better to aim for the triple 20 or the Bullseye?

It depends on the game being played and the player’s individual strategy. In general, aiming for the triple 20 is a safe and effective strategy, but there are situations where aiming for the Bullseye can be more advantageous.

Are there any disadvantages to aiming for the triple 20 or the Bullseye?

Aiming for the triple 20 can be risky if a player consistently misses and hits a lower-scoring area of the dartboard. Aiming for the Bullseye can also be challenging due to its smaller size and can result in missed shots if not executed properly.

Who are some famous darts players who excel at hitting the triple 20 or the Bullseye?

Phil Taylor is widely considered the greatest darts player of all time and is known for his proficiency in hitting the triple 20. Michael van Gerwen, another top player, is known for his ability to hit the Bullseye consistently.

How can I improve my skills in hitting the triple 20 and the Bullseye?

The best way to improve skills in hitting the triple 20 and the Bullseye is through consistent practice. Focus on accuracy and control, and try out different strategies to see what works best for you. Watching and learning from top players can also be helpful.

Mastering Both Zones: Practice Tips

As we have discussed, both the triple 20 and the Bullseye are important areas of the dartboard, and their relative importance depends on the game being played and the player’s individual strategy. Therefore, to become a better darts player, it is important to practice both areas and become proficient in hitting them consistently. By doing so, players can adapt their strategy to the game being played and make the most of the scoring opportunities available to them.

Final Analysis

The triple 20 and the Bullseye are two important areas of the dartboard that players must become proficient in hitting consistently to improve their game. While the triple 20 is worth more points and is important for quickly reducing a player’s score, the Bullseye is a smaller target and can be crucial for winning games that require players to “double out”. 

The relative importance of the two areas varies depending on the game being played and the player’s individual strategy, so it is important for players to practice both areas and adapt their strategy to the game at hand. By doing so, players can become more versatile and successful in their darts game.

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