Darts: Sets vs. Legs 101

Do you get confused about the terms “sets” and “legs” in darts? In this article, we’ll be discussing the basics of sets and legs to clear all your doubts. In short, a set is a collection of legs played to determine the winner of a match, while a leg is a single game played within a set. The player who wins the majority of the sets wins the match. We consulted renowned darts expert Paul Lim for insights and expert knowledge on this fascinating game. Stay tuned to take your darts game to the next level!

The Basics of Darts Sets

In darts, a set is a collection of legs that make up a larger game. A set can be made up of any number of legs, but the most common format is the best of five. This means that the first player to win three legs wins the set. Sets are used in most professional and competitive darts matches, and understanding how they work is essential for playing the game at a high level.

The Leg Count in Darts Sets

As mentioned earlier, sets can be made up of any number of legs, but the most common format is the best of five. This means that the first player to win three legs wins the set. However, some tournaments may use a different number of legs in a set, such as best of seven or best of nine. It’s important to know the format of the match you’re playing in so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Mastering Darts Set Wins

To win a set in darts, you need to win more legs than your opponent. The most common format is best of five, which means you need to win three legs to win the set. In order to win a leg, you need to score more points than your opponent by hitting the designated target on the dartboard. The player who reaches the designated number of legs first wins the set.

Exploring Darts Set Examples:

Let’s say you’re playing in a best-of-five set match. The first player to win three legs wins the set. If the score is tied at two legs each, the final leg becomes a tiebreaker, and the winner of that leg wins the set. For example, if Player A wins the first two legs and Player B wins the next two legs, the fifth and final leg will determine the winner of the set. This format creates a lot of excitement and tension as each player tries to win enough legs to win the set.

Unpacking Darts Leg Play

In darts, a leg is a single game within a set. A leg is won by the first player to reach the designated number of points. The number of points required to win a leg can vary depending on the game format, but the most common format is 501. This means that each player starts with 501 points and the first player to reach zero points by hitting the designated target on the dartboard wins the leg.

Scoring in Darts Legs

As mentioned earlier, the most common format for a leg in darts is 501. This means that each player starts with 501 points and tries to reach zero points by hitting the designated target on the dartboard. However, there are many other formats for legs in darts, such as 301, 701, or 1001. The number of points required to win a leg can also vary depending on the game format. It’s important to know the format of the match you’re playing in so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

The Path to Leg Victory in Darts:

To win a leg in darts, you need to reach zero points by hitting the designated target on the dartboard. Each player takes turns throwing three darts at the board, trying to score as many points as possible with each throw. 

The points are tallied up at the end of each turn, and the player with the highest score goes first in the next turn. The first player to reach zero points by hitting the designated target on the dartboard wins the leg.

Cracking the Code of Darts Leg Examples

Let’s say you’re playing a 501 leg in darts. Each player starts with 501 points and takes turns throwing three darts at the board, trying to score as many points as possible with each throw.

Let’s say on the first turn, Player A scores 60 points, 80 points, and 100 points, for a total of 240 points. Player B scores 100 points, 40 points, and 60 points, for a total of 200 points. Player A would go first in the next turn because they had the higher score in the previous turn. The players continue taking turns until one player reaches zero points by hitting the designated target on the dartboard. 

If Player A reaches zero points first, they win the leg. If Player B reaches zero points first, they win the leg. This format creates a lot of excitement and tension as each player tries to outscore their opponent and reach zero points first.

Sets vs. Legs: Decoding Darts

The main difference between sets and legs in darts is that a set is a collection of legs, while a leg is a single game within a set. A set can be made up of any number of legs, but the most common format is the best of five. 

This means that the first player to win three legs wins the set. In contrast, a leg is won by the first player to reach the designated number of points, which can vary depending on the game format. Understanding the difference between sets and legs is essential for playing darts at a high level, as it allows you to adjust your strategy based on the specific format of the match you’re playing in.

The Significance of Differences

Understanding the difference between sets and legs is important for a few reasons. First, it allows you to adjust your strategy based on the specific format of the match you’re playing. For example, if you’re playing in a best-of-five set match, you might adopt a more conservative approach, focusing on consistency and minimizing mistakes. 

If you’re playing in a short format leg match, you might take more risks and go for big scores to reach the designated number of points as quickly as possible. Second, understanding the difference between sets and legs allows you to appreciate the nuances of the game and enjoy it more fully.

Flexibility of Sets and Legs in Darts

Sets and legs are used in a variety of game formats in darts. For example, some tournaments use a straight knockout format, where players play best-of-three or best-of-five leg matches until one of the players is left standing. Other tournaments use a round-robin format, where players play a set number of legs against each other and the player with the most points at the end of the round-robin stage advances to the knockout stage. 

In all of these formats, sets and legs play a crucial role in determining the winner of the match. Understanding how sets and legs are used in different game formats is important for playing darts at a high level and appreciating the game more fully.

Darts Terminology: Know the Lingo

Understanding the terminology of darts is crucial for anyone who wants to enjoy the game to the fullest. From “sets” and “legs” to “180s” and “checkouts,” darts has a rich and diverse lexicon that can be daunting for newcomers. 

However, taking the time to learn the terminology can greatly enhance your understanding of the game and help you communicate more effectively with other players. 

Additionally, understanding the terminology can help you appreciate the nuances of the game and follow along more easily when watching professional matches. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, taking the time to learn the terminology of darts is a worthwhile investment.


How do you win a set in darts?

To win a set in darts, you must win the majority of the legs in the set. For example, if you’re playing a best-of-five set, you need to win three legs to win the set. If the set is tied after the predetermined number of legs, a tiebreaker leg is usually played to determine the winner.

What happens if a set is tied in darts?

If a set is tied after the predetermined number of legs, a tiebreaker leg is usually played to determine the winner. The winner of the tiebreaker leg wins the set.

How many legs are typically played in a set of darts?

The number of legs played in a set of darts can vary depending on the tournament or competition format. It’s usually best of three, five, or seven legs.

Can a player win a set without winning all the legs?

Yes, a player can win a set without winning all the legs. In a best-of-five set, for example, a player can win the set by winning three legs, even if their opponent wins two.

How are sets and legs used in different game formats in darts?

Sets and legs are used in different game formats in darts to add variety and complexity to the game. For example, some tournaments use a format where players compete in a round-robin stage, with each match consisting of a best-of-five set format. Other tournaments use a knockout format, with matches consisting of a best-of-three or best-of-five set format.

Why is it important to understand the difference between sets and legs in darts?

Understanding the difference between sets and legs in darts is important for players to know the format of the game they’re playing, and how to adjust their strategy accordingly. It also helps players understand the rules of different tournaments and competitions, and follow along when watching professional matches.

Final Thoughts:

Understanding the concepts of sets and legs is essential for anyone who wants to play darts at a high level or simply enjoy the game to the fullest. Knowing the difference between sets and legs allows you to adjust your strategy based on the specific format of the match you’re playing in, appreciate the nuances of the game, and communicate more effectively with other players. 

Furthermore, understanding the terminology of darts can greatly enhance your enjoyment of the game and help you follow along more easily when watching professional matches. 

By taking the time to learn about sets, legs, and the broader terminology of darts, you can develop a deeper appreciation for this exciting and rewarding sport.