Darts Etiquette Rules

Darts etiquette rules include respecting other players, not distracting or interfering with their throws, and maintaining a positive and supportive atmosphere. Proper etiquette also dictates that you should wait for your turn, only approach the oche (throwing line) when it’s your time to throw and refrain from excessive celebrations or reactions.

Additionally, it is important to handle darts safely, avoid damaging the dartboard or surroundings, and adhere to any specific rules set by the venue or tournament. Following these etiquette rules ensures fair play and an enjoyable experience for everyone involved in the game of darts.

General Etiquette Rules

When it comes to playing darts, courtesy and respect are just as important as skill and technique. Observing proper darts etiquette not only shows your respect for the game but also creates a pleasant environment for everyone involved. In this blog post, we will discuss the general etiquette rules that all players should adhere to. Let’s dive straight into it!

Respect For Other Players

Respecting your fellow darts players is crucial in maintaining a positive and enjoyable atmosphere. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Avoid distracting or interrupting other players while they are preparing to throw or during their throw.
  2. Refrain from talking or making unnecessary noise when it’s not your turn to throw.
  3. Be mindful of personal space and give adequate room to other players around the dartboard.
  4. Avoid celebrating loudly or gloating excessively after hitting a great shot, as this can be distracting or demoralizing to your opponents.

Each Game Begins & Ends With A HandShake

Beginning and ending each game of darts with a handshake is a fundamental rule of darts etiquette. It shows respect and sportsmanship towards your opponent, and sets the tone for a fair and enjoyable match. A firm and friendly handshake can help build positive rapport with your opponent, creating a more enjoyable playing experience for everyone.

Maintain A Quiet Atmosphere

A quiet atmosphere is essential for focus and concentration during darts games. To help create such an environment, follow these etiquette rules:

  • Avoid unnecessary conversations, especially during crucial moments of the game.
  • Switch off or silence your mobile phone to prevent any distractions.
  • Minimize movements and gestures that may distract other players, such as excessive fidgeting or pacing around the playing area.
  • Avoid slamming or forcefully throwing your darts, as this can create unnecessary noise and disrupt the rhythm of the game.

Follow The Proper Throwing Order

Adhering to the proper throwing order is not only courteous but also ensures a fair and organized game. Here’s what you need to remember:

  1. Always wait for your turn and avoid throwing out of turn, even if you are eager to take your shot.
  2. If you inadvertently throw out of turn, apologize to the other players and allow them to throw before resuming the correct order.
  3. If a player is absent or temporarily away, maintain their turn sequence and resume the order when they return.
  4. When playing in a team format, make sure to follow the team’s predetermined throwing rotation.

Not Interfere With Other Players’ Shots

A key aspect of darts etiquette is refraining from interfering with other players’ shots. This promotes fair play and sportsmanship. Consider these guidelines:

  • Avoid crossing the throwing line or stepping into another player’s throwing area while they are preparing to throw or during their throw.
  • Ensure you are out of the line of sight of the player throwing to minimize distractions.
  • Do not touch the dartboard or remove darts until all players have finished throwing and scores have been recorded.
  • Respect the outcome of each player’s shot and refrain from making negative comments or gestures that can affect their concentration.

Behavior At The Dartboard

Darts is a gentleman’s game that requires not only skill and strategy but also proper etiquette. Understanding and following the etiquette rules not only promotes fair play but also creates a pleasant and enjoyable atmosphere for all players.

Darts Etiquette Rules

Credit: darthelp.com

Avoid Distractions

It is crucial to avoid distractions when your opponent is throwing darts to maintain a respectful atmosphere and ensure fair gameplay. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Remain quiet and still when it is your opponent’s turn
  • Avoid unnecessary movement or talking in the peripheral vision of the active player
  • Avoid using mobile devices near the dartboard
  • Avoid cheering or jeering during the opponent’s throw

Give Each Player Their Space

Respecting each player’s space is an essential aspect of dartboard etiquette. Here are some guidelines to remember:

  • Stand at an appropriate distance behind the throwing player, allowing them ample room to throw comfortably
  • Respect the throwing line (also known as the oche) and avoid stepping over it
  • Avoid crowding the playing area or leaning on the dartboard
  • Do not distract the player by standing directly in their line of sight

React Appropriately To Good And Bad Shots

Reacting appropriately to shots, whether they are good or bad, demonstrates sportsmanship and respect for your opponent. Consider the following suggestions:

  • Acknowledge good shots with a nod, smile, or brief compliment
  • Avoid excessive celebrations or gloating after making a successful throw
  • Show grace and avoid negative reactions or comments when you or your opponent miss a shot
  • Remember that good sportsmanship is more important than winning or losing

Remove Darts From The Board

Properly removing darts from the board is essential to avoid unnecessary damage and ensure a level playing field. Follow these guidelines:

  • Grasp the dart firmly but gently, avoiding excessive force that may damage the dartboard
  • Use caution to avoid injuring yourself or others with the sharp tip of the darts
  • Remove darts one at a time, rather than pulling them out in clusters
  • Steer clear of the dartboard when someone is removing their darts to prevent accidents

Etiquette In Tournament Play

Tournament play in darts requires players to not only demonstrate their skills on the board but also their understanding of proper etiquette. Adhering to these unwritten rules is crucial in maintaining a respectful and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Be Punctual

Being punctual is of utmost importance in tournament play. Arriving on time not only shows respect for the organizers and fellow players but also allows for the smooth running of the event.

Late arrivals can cause delays in the schedule, disrupt the flow of the game, and even result in forfeiting matches or losing points.

Respect Officials And Equipment

Respecting officials and equipment is essential in maintaining a fair and professional atmosphere during tournaments. When it comes to officials, always follow their instructions and decisions without any argument. They are responsible for ensuring that the game is played according to the rules and regulations.

Additionally, treat the darts and other equipment with care, avoiding any unnecessary rough handling or misuse.

Maintain Sportsmanship

Maintaining sportsmanship is a fundamental aspect of darts etiquette in tournament play. It is important to show respect towards opponents, regardless of the outcome of the game. Congratulate them on good shots or victories and avoid any negative or unsportsmanlike behavior such as taunting, jeering, or criticizing other players.

Remember, darts is not only a test of skill but also a display of character.

Follow Tournament-specific Rules

Each tournament may have its specific set of rules and regulations that must be followed. Take the time to familiarize yourself with these tournament-specific rules before the event. This includes understanding the format of play, the scoring system, the dress code, and any additional guidelines set by the organizers.

By adhering to these rules, you ensure fair competition and contribute to the overall integrity of the tournament.

Darts Etiquette Rules

Credit: darthelp.com

Wrapping Up

Following these darts etiquette rules is essential to ensure a fair and enjoyable game. By respecting other players, obeying the proper throwing procedures, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for everyone.

Remember, good sportsmanship not only enhances the game but also promotes camaraderie and a memorable playing experience. So, keep these guidelines in mind and let the arrows fly courteously and respectfully!


Is it okay to talk while someone is throwing darts?

No, it is considered impolite to talk or make any noise while someone is throwing darts. It can be distracting and disrupt the concentration of the player.

Can I intentionally intimidate my opponent while playing darts?

No, it is considered unsportsmanlike to intentionally intimidate or distract your opponent. You should focus on playing your best game and let your skills speak for themselves.

Do I need to retrieve my own darts after throwing?

Yes, it is important to retrieve your own darts promptly after throwing them and move aside for the next player. This keeps the game moving and prevents any potential accidents.

Can I consume alcohol while playing darts?

While some venues may serve alcohol, it is important to consume it responsibly and not excessively. Drunken behavior can be disruptive and disrespectful to other players.

Should I clean up after myself when playing darts?

Yes, it is important to clean up after yourself and not leave a mess. This shows respect for the venue and other patrons who will be using the space after you.

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