Dart Games For Large Groups

Looking for a fun activity to entertain a large group of people? Dart games might be just the thing you need! In this article, we’ll explore some of the best dart games that are perfect for groups.

The most popular dart game for large groups is Cricket. It’s a game that requires strategy and accuracy, as players try to hit specific numbers on the board to score points. However, opponents can also score points by hitting those same numbers, so you need to be strategic.

If you’re looking for a more fast-paced game, try Killer. This game requires players to hit specific numbers to “kill” their opponents. But if you get “killed” yourself, you’re out of the game! With quick rounds and high stakes, Killer is sure to keep everyone engaged.

For even more dart game options and rules, we turned to Paul Lim, a renowned dart expert with over 30 years of experience. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, his expertise will guide you through the world of dart games for large groups. So gather your friends and start playing!

Right Dart Game for Your Group

How to Choose the Right Dart Game for Your Group

When it comes to selecting the right dart game for your group, there are several factors to consider, such as the size of the group, the skill level of the participants, the available space, and the time constraints.

By considering the factors given below when selecting a dart game for your group, you’ll be able to choose a game that is fun, engaging, and appropriate for your group’s size, skill level, available space, and time constraints.

Group size

The number of participants in your dart game is a crucial factor to consider when selecting the right game for your group. Some dart games work better for smaller groups, while others can accommodate larger numbers of players. 

For instance, cricket is a popular game that can be played with any number of players, making it ideal for larger groups. On the other hand, 501 is typically played one-on-one or in small teams, so it may not be the best choice for a large group.

Skill level of participants

Another important consideration is the skill level of your group members. If your group is made up of experienced dart players, you may want to choose a game that is more challenging and requires a higher level of skill. 

However, if your group is made up of beginners, you may want to choose a simpler game that is easier to understand and play.

Available space

The amount of space you have available to play your dart game is also a crucial factor to consider. Some games require more space than others, so you’ll need to make sure you have enough room to accommodate your group and the game you choose. 

For instance, Around the World requires players to move around the dartboard, so you’ll need a larger space to play this game than you would for a game like a cricket or 501.

Time constraints

Finally, you’ll need to consider the amount of time you have available to play your dart game. Some games take longer to play than others, so you’ll need to choose a game that fits within your time constraints.

For example, cricket can be played in as little as 10-15 minutes, making it a good choice if you’re short on time. Conversely, games like 501 can take much longer to play, so you’ll need to make sure you have enough time to complete the game.

Dart Games That Work Well for Large Groups

Dart games are a classic and entertaining activity for groups of all sizes. However, choosing the right dart game for your group can be a challenge. This guide provides tips and examples of dart games that work well for large groups.


Cricket is a classic dart game that can be played with any number of players, making it a great choice for larger groups. The objective of the game is to score points by hitting certain numbers on the dartboard, with the ultimate goal of closing out all the numbers and hitting a certain number of bullseyes. The game is easy to understand and play, making it a good choice for groups of all skill levels.


501 is another popular dart game that works well for large groups. The objective of the game is to score points by hitting certain numbers on the dartboard, with the ultimate goal of reaching exactly 501 points and winning the game. This game is typically played one-on-one or in small teams, but it can also be adapted for larger groups by having multiple players take turns.

Around the World

Around the World is a fun and engaging dart game that requires players to move around the dartboard and hit different numbers in a specific order. The objective of the game is to hit each number on the dartboard in numerical order, starting with 1 and ending with 20. This game can be played with any number of players and can be adapted for players of all skill levels.


Killer is a fast-paced and exciting dart game that can be played with large groups of players. The objective of the game is to be the last player standing by hitting certain numbers on the dartboard and “killing” other players by hitting their designated target. The game is typically played with a large group of players and can be adapted for players of all skill levels.

By considering these dart games when selecting a game for your group, you’ll be able to choose a game that is engaging, easy to understand, and appropriate for your group’s size and skill level. Whether you choose a classic game like cricket or a more fast-paced game like a killer, you’re sure to have a great time playing darts with your group.

How to Set Up a Dart Game for a Large Group

Organizing a game of darts for a large group can seem daunting, but it can be a fun and engaging activity that brings people together. So make sure that you have the appropriate equipment for your dart game, including a dartboard, darts, and a scoreboard, you’ll be able to set up a game that is engaging, fun, and appropriate for your group’s size and skill level. With these items in place, you’ll be ready to start playing darts with your group in no time.

Needed Equipment


The dartboard is the most important piece of equipment you’ll need to set up your dart game. Dartboards come in a variety of sizes and styles, but the standard size for most dartboards is 18 inches in diameter. When setting up your dartboard, you’ll need to make sure it is mounted securely to the wall and is at the appropriate height for players to throw their darts.


In addition to a dartboard, you’ll also need darts to play your dart game. Darts typically come in sets of three and are made up of a metal or plastic tip, a barrel, and a flight. The weight and style of darts can vary depending on the player’s preferences, but it’s important to choose darts that are appropriate for your group’s skill level.


A scoreboard is essential for keeping track of the score during your dart game. Scoreboards can range from simple chalkboards to electronic displays, but the most important thing is to choose a scoreboard that is easy to read and can accommodate your group’s size and the game you’re playing.

Steps to Set Up the Game

Setting up a dart game is a great option. It may seem intimidating at first, but with the right equipment and instructions, it can be a breeze.

Proper Dartboard Placement: 

When setting up your dart game, it’s important to place the dartboard in a location that is safe and allows for proper play. Make sure the dartboard is mounted securely to the wall and is at the appropriate height for players to throw their darts. You should also make sure that there is enough space around the dartboard to allow players to stand back and throw their darts safely.

Distributing Darts

Once you’ve set up your dartboard, it’s time to distribute darts to your players. Make sure that each player has their own set of darts and that they are appropriate for the game you’ll be playing. You can choose to assign players to specific dartboards or allow players to choose their own.

Explaining the Rules

Before starting your dart game, it’s important to explain the rules to your players. Make sure that everyone understands the objective of the game, the scoring system, and any other rules or regulations that are specific to the game you’ll be playing. You may also want to provide a demonstration of how to properly throw a dart and how to keep score.

Starting the Game

Once everyone understands the rules and is ready to play, it’s time to start the game. Depending on the game you’ll be playing, you may need to assign teams, determine the order of play, or set a time limit. Make sure that everyone is clear on the starting conditions and is ready to begin.

By following these steps and ensuring proper dartboard placement, distributing darts, explaining the rules, and starting the game correctly, you’ll be able to set up a dart game that is engaging, fun, and appropriate for your group’s size and skill level. With everyone ready to play, you can sit back and enjoy the game.

Tips for Running a Successful Dart Game for Large Groups

Running a dart game for a large group can be challenging, especially if it’s your first time. However, with some simple strategies and techniques, you can ensure that your game runs smoothly and everyone has a great time. In this guide, we’ll provide you with tips and tricks for running a successful dart game for large groups, from keeping the game moving to encourage participation and engagement.

Strategies for Keeping the Game Moving

When playing dart games with large groups, it’s important to keep the game moving at a steady pace to prevent boredom and maintain interest. One way to do this is to establish time limits for each turn, so players don’t take too long to throw their darts. You can also encourage players to keep their turns brief and limit the amount of time spent between turns. Another way to keep the game moving is to have multiple games going on simultaneously, so players don’t have to wait too long for their turn.

Techniques for Encouraging Participation

 It’s important to encourage participation from all players in a large group dart game. One way to do this is to create a fun and supportive environment where players feel comfortable throwing darts, even if they’re not skilled players. You can also have different games with varying levels of difficulty so that all players can participate at their own level. Additionally, providing incentives, such as small prizes or recognition for high scores, can motivate players to participate more actively.

Ways to Keep Score Accurately

Keeping a score accurate is crucial for a successful dart game, especially in a large group. One way to do this is to designate a dedicated scorekeeper who can keep track of the scores for each player or team. You can also use a digital scoreboard or keep the score on a whiteboard to ensure that everyone can see the score easily. It’s important to establish clear rules for scoring and ensure that everyone is aware of them to prevent disputes or confusion.

Strategies for Keeping the Group Engaged 

To keep the group engaged in a large group dart game, it’s important to create a fun and social atmosphere. You can encourage players to interact with each other and create a friendly competition by dividing players into teams or having a tournament. Additionally, playing music or providing snacks and drinks can help create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Lastly, having a variety of games and changing up the game format can keep things interesting and prevent monotony.

Electronic Dartboard


Do I need a special dartboard for large groups?

No, you don’t need a special dartboard for large groups, but you should choose a board that is large enough and visible from all angles. A standard 18-inch dartboard works well for most groups.

What should I consider when selecting a dart game for my group?

When selecting a dart game for your group, you should consider factors like group size, the skill level of participants, available space, and time constraints. Choose a game that is appropriate for your group and fits within these parameters.

How do I set up a dart game for a large group?

To set up a dart game for a large group, you will need a dartboard, darts, and a scoreboard. Properly place the dartboard, distribute the darts, explain the rules, and start the game. It’s important to keep the game moving and keep the group engaged throughout.

How do I keep the score accurate during a dart game?

To keep the score accurate during a dart game, you can use a chalkboard or dry-erase board to mark down the points for each player or team. Assign someone to keep score or rotate the responsibility among players.

How can I make sure everyone participates in a dart game for large groups?

To encourage participation in a dart game for large groups, you can use techniques like rotating players, forming teams, and offering prizes or incentives for good performance. Keep the game fun and social to encourage everyone to participate.


Final Words

Creating a fun and social atmosphere is essential for the success of the game, and implementing strategies like playing music or providing snacks and drinks can help achieve this. Dart games can provide hours of entertainment for large groups of people. 

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can successfully set up and run a dart game that is enjoyable and engaging for all participants. So why not gather your own group of friends and try out some of these games for yourself? With an emphasis on fun and socializing, a game of darts is a perfect way to spend time with friends and family.

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